Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So Bob Saget. . .

Performed here (Vassar College) last weekend. He was decent, right on at some points, pretty lame at others. But what may be the lamest event of the night is pictured right here. I thought "The Shocker" (and for that matter, was only a state-school phenomenom. You got to love Saget's face in this picture, though.

Sagat's Best Line: "I actually changed my name from Somosexual."

Oh, Danny Tanner, oh

Stay tuned for a nice, fat post on the new head of the CIA Porter Goss and his attempts to whip those left-leaning, tree-hugging, NPR-listening, Volvo-driving, pansey-ass liberals at the CIA into the Bush-lovers they're supposed to be. I totally see where Goss is coming from. I mean to me, the CIA is like the Sierra Club, PETA, and all rolled into one.


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