Tuesday, November 16, 2004

You Got To Love. . .

The balls of Republican lawmakers. They preach about morality and ethics, and yet, continue to support those who are neither moral nor ethical. Take House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, for example. Earlier this year he was rebuked THREE TIMES IN ONE WEEK by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee, making for a combined total of four rebukes in his career. And this guy is their House Majority Leader? Now the House Republicans pushed through a amendment to a law THEY CREATED stating that members indicted by grand juries can still retain their leadership posts. Talk about ethical people in leadership positions. But it gets better. This proposed change just happens to benefit Mr. Delay, for he is at the heart of a fundraising scandal which has already seen the indictment of three of his political associates. More here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my question: why are the Democrats electing a moderate, pro-life, anti-free speech Harry Reid as their senatorial leader? Why are Democrats still pandering to the evangelical, neocon right? Give it up, and forge a new path. Fuck 'moral values', and rise above it. Read Frank Rich's Times essay from this past sunday, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

12:12 AM  

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