Tuesday, November 16, 2004

So Condi will take Colin's spot. . .

But who will replace Ms. Rice as Bush's National Security Advisor. While multiple names are being floated around Washington, the safe bet is Stephen Hadley. Stephen Hadley, Stephen Hadley, hmmm. . . where have we heard that name before? Oh riiiiight, he was the fall guy for Bush when the whole "Iraq trying to buy Nigerian uranium" thing (aka, the "yellowcake" debacle) blew up in his face. No, still doesn't ring a bell? Wait a tick, it must be because he is one of the prime suspects for leaking CIA-agent Valerie Plame's name to that upstanding journalist Bob Novak, a treasonous offense. Still nothing? Well read this and this, maybe they will help jog your memory

Actually, my favorite reading on the subject has surprisingly come from CNN. Check out this little excerpt:

The moves drew initial negative reaction from a former secretary of state who served Bush's father.

"I do not believe that you should have in the secretary of state someone who has spent their last four years in the White House next to the president," Lawrence Eagleburger told CNN's "Paula Zahn Now." "I do believe you need tension between the State Department, the Defense Department and the National Security Council.

"If the rumors prove correct and her deputy becomes national security adviser, everybody is going to speak the same language," he said. "Whatever influence, for instance, Colin Powell had is going to be much less under these new circumstances."

Well, that's my first-ever post on this blog. Do come again. And tell your friends.


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