Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The ACLU Must Be Destroyed

Hey, he said it, not me. I can't wait for the bumper sticker. Apparently some people are upset over this. Here's a nice cut from Joseph Farah's column:

The ACLU is never going to change. It is an anti-American organization. It is a group that seeks to destroy all that makes America a unique experiment in freedom. It is an organization in league with all of America's enemies. It is an organization that hates God, hates what is right, decent and morally upright. It is an organization in league with the Devil, as far as I am concerned.

And the ACLU is an organization that needs to be isolated, exposed for what it is, recognized for what it is and destroyed if necessary.

Instead, because most Americans have a live-and-let-live attitude, we "tolerate" the ACLU. We wink at it. Maybe we laugh at it. But the ACLU and its allies continue to push our society, to transform it, to remake it in its own twisted image.

. . .Let me ask you a question: Would you rather live next door to a family that hosts a Boy Scout troop or a family of homosexual activists? Would you rather live next door to a family of people who attend church or synagogue every week, or would you prefer to live next door to the local head of the ACLU?

Well with the amount of homosexual activites that have reportedly gone on in both the Boy Scouts and the Church, I don't see why the options have to be mutually exclusive.


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