Monday, November 29, 2004

A Fag in Their Midst!

Wow. It's stories like this that bring my love-hate relationship with politics to an almost unbearable level.

Apparently, Ken Mehlman, the newly appointed head of the RNC, and recent chairman of the Bush-Cheney reelection campaign, is GAY!

Yes, gay. As in homosexual. As in one of those people that his base loves to hate. As in a man who is no different than anyone else on this planet but cannot get married in eleven states due to his party's tireless efforts. Correction, he is different from other people on this earth, though not because he is gay, but because he is a piece of shit who would sell his soul for a spot on the Bush ticket to hell.

There are just too many questions I want to ask Mehlman, the GOP, the Evangelical Christians, everybody!

Read this while I go contemplate my role in the universe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right On!

No pun intended... I have said this before, and I'll say it again; I used to be homophobic, until I saw the Righties attack the gays outrageously. Why so much hate for other humans being. What gives me or anyone else for that matter the right to tell them or anybody who they can love. It scares me to think how far hate and power can go hand in hand...


1:03 AM  

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