Thursday, February 10, 2005

Jeff Gannon, the Fake Newsman

I'm not sure how aware of this you guys are, so I figured I throw something up about it. There is a widespread search currently going on in cyperspace trying to figure out who this guy "Jeff Gannon" is. It seems that he is a reporter in the White House pool, yet his name is a pseudonym and the news service he works for, Talon News, is essentially a fake news outlet. None of this would be too big a deal if it weren't for the fact that he was subpoenaed in the investigation into who outed Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. It's really an interesting little, well possibly big, news item, and it seems that it will be around for awhile. In fact, this guy may be the chink in Bush's armor that could ruin a second term (as is par for second terms in recent years). Really, check this out.


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