Monday, January 31, 2005

Apple Voted Top Brand

You can read all about it here.

Two reasons why I don't like this: first, the more popular Apple gets, the more people buy Macs, and the more people buy Macs, the more viruses (or viri, if you like) and such are targeted at Macs, which ultimately means I actually will have to be careful with my computer and buy some anti-virus software, and frankly, I'm not willing to do that; second, Ipods suck, and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't owned their's for very long.

That being said, peep this little tidbit from the article:

After Apple and Google’s first and second position ranks, Ikea, a furniture maker topped out at third place, Starbucks grabbed the fourth spot, and Al Jazeera swiped the fifth position due to its unbiased and accurate reporting on War on Terrorism and activities in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Hmmm. . . which one of those brands seems oddly out of place? And how bizarre that this would appear in a techie article.

So it looks like I made the right call going with Al Jazeera.


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