Monday, December 06, 2004

Statistic of the Day

From now on I will be stealing one statistic a day from the geniuses (genii?) over at Harper's. Today's stat:

Ratio of Americans killed by lightning since January 2002 to
those killed by terrorism: 3:2


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Statistics are bull-shit. They are all obscured to produce desired effects, you can twist anything to make a good statistic. If you believe statistics then your blog is bull-shit too. Those people are hardly geniuses they are all dipshits that believe they can pull the wool over our eyes about everything, and get away with it because their are people like you on this world. Stupid radical ass liberals who have nothing better to do but gripe on their stupid little blog, that nobody reads, on what conservatives are doing. Stop trying to be so liberal you are failing miserably, a liberal wants change and you are just sitting here on your ass typing away for nobody, bitching about all the little issues rather than getting off your ass and fixing these problems.

6:31 PM  
Blogger David said...

If I believe statistics then my blog is "bull-shit" (sic)? While I agree that statistics can be twisted, but to never believe a statistic would be a pretty terrible and cynical way of looking at life. Don't believe this statistic, I don't care. Look up the information yourself and see what you get.

I also take it that I am a "stupid ass radical liberal" who should "stop trying to be so liberal" because I am "failing miserably." So I am both a radical liberal and apparently not liberal enough. Interesting. . .

On that subject, I would hardly call myself a radical, merely an enlightened liberal who may just be one of the smartest people on this planet.

"A liberal wants change and you are just sitting here on your ass typing away for nobody"
Would that "nobody" include you? You obviously enjoy the site so much you feel the need to comment. I appreciate it, thank you.

And for the record, I do plan on doing something about the fucked up corporate, greedy climate we live in: I'm going to run for office.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never realized that "bull-shit" is hyphenated. Huh.

-Dan (David-the-lazy-directionless-half-assed-yet-overly staunch-liberal's brother)

11:30 PM  

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