Wednesday, December 22, 2004

New York Electoral Votes Go To: John L. Kerry

That's right, John L. Kerry. I'm not sure who that is, maybe they meant John F. Kerry, the guy who ran for President? From WNBC:

Even John Q. Public knows the middle initial of losing presidential candidate John F. Kerry. But New York's 31 electoral college votes are currently on the books for some guy named John L. Kerry.

State officials acknowledged the mistake Tuesday after the official certificate of vote appeared on the website of the National Archives.

The document was sent to officials and archivists in Washington and Albany, as well as Columbia University in New York, before the error was spotted.

"The ballots were correct, but for some reason with this document when it was typed up, nobody caught it in the proofing, including myself," said New York Department of State spokesman Peter Constantakes.
Maybe the "L" stands for "Loser."


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